FLORENCE Luncheon - 2022

This event was held at the Grounds of Alexandria in The Linseed house. Held on the 16th of September and we had over 160 guests attend.

The Guest Speaker for this event was Jana Pittman:

Jana Pittman’s story is a roller coaster of triumph, defeat, failure, and success. She will take you on a journey through the peaks and troughs that helped shape her career and build her into who she is today.

Recognition: Two times World Champion, four times Commonwealth Champion, in the sport of athletics, Jana Pittman personifies resilience and determination.  When continued injuries hampered her athletic career could have signalled retirement, she swapped the track for the ice. Jana joined the Australian Women’s bobsleigh team, to become the first women to represent Australia in both a Summer and Winter Olympic games.

Outside of sport Jana has completed a Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery and a Masters of Reproductive Medicine, she is now a practising Doctor in the field of Women’s Health.

In 2021 Jana joined the cast of Channel 7’s SAS Australia making it to the last day and the only woman remaining in the final four recruits. With Jana’s passion for women’s health Jana is an ambassador for the ‘Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation’ and writes a regular column in New Idea. Jana is a mother to six children, having recently given birth to twins!

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